Mohadeb Veterinary Care Center

Mohadeb Veterinary Care Centre

Dr. MOHADEB Teckraj  Singh obtained  his  graduate (B.V.Sc & A.H) degree in #Veterinary Sciences from Indian 1978.  He came back to his motherland Mauritius and joined the Division of Veterinary Services in July 1981. 

Based on his qualification and competency, Dr. Mohadeb was elevated to the position of Veterinary Officer during April 1987 in the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Technology.  In pursuit of academic endevour, he undertook at least two training courses at France and Sweden. 

Soon after obtaining the first training during 1987-88 on “Laboratoire pour le contrôle des reproducteurs Elevage et Contrôle Sanitaire des taureaux reproducteurs, Congelation de la semence bovin” From UNECEIA, Paris, Dr. Mohadeb also served at Coorpérative Périgorde Agenaise d’élevage et D’insémination Artificielle, Bergerac at France for a brief period.  In addition with his routine work as Veterinary Officer, he has also served as Veterinary Consultant for Savannah Sugar Estate, Compagnie de Mon Choisy (Belle Vue Sugar Estate) and for Société Malherbes – Mon Loisir Sugar Estate for many years.

Contribution of Dr. Mohadeb as a Clinician, as a Surgeon and in Processing of Semen for Artificial Insemination is worth praising.  Born on 26th February 1953, Dr. Mohadeb was a member of the Veterinary Council of Mauritius.

Contact Address:
18, A.G. Guibert Street, Floreal.

Tel: 686-2397 & 57556759

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